The Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation is pleased to announce that applications for our 2025 College Scholarships will open on Monday, February 3, 2025.
Twenty non-profit organizations across Camden, Glynn, and McIntosh Counties were awarded a total of $200,000 in funding from the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation’s (CCGF) Community Impact competitive award initiative.
On AUGUST 16, 2024 the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation (CCGF) proudly announced Under One Roof, a philanthropic initiative dedicated to helping those who have lost their homes due to an unexpected life change or catastrophic event, such as fire, flood, or their home becomes otherwise unsafe for habitation. As a fund of CCGF, the goal of Under One Roof is to manage donations and allocate funds to local non-profits, ensuring effective support for those facing housing insecurity, particularly those who are disproportionately underserved–including women and children. This ambitious initiative is the product of hundreds of community members coming together to voice their support for real change throughout the Golden Isles.
On July 11-12, 2024, the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation (CCGF) hosted the Georgia Community Foundation Leader Summit which brought Community Foundation Presidents and CEOs from around the state to the Golden Isles.
Over the past 13 years, the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation (CCGF) has been fortunate to have a dynamic force supporting it in the form of Ellen Post. She has seen the Foundation grow from a sprout with big dreams into a change agent that is positively impacting the communities it serves and improving the lives of those who reside in our Coastal Georgia home.
We are pleased to announce that applications for our 2024 College Scholarships open Monday, January 15, 2024. All scholarship applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024.

The Brunswick News, Ga. - August 8, 2023
Donation creates Legacy Fund for local libraries
Lauren McDonald, The Brunswick News, Ga.
A recent donation to Marshes of Glynn Libraries led to the creation of a new fund that will support the library's ongoing positive impact in the Golden Isles.