"The mass of men worry themselves into nameless graves while here and there a great unselfish soul forgets himself into immortality."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
A planned gift is a charitable donation created during your lifetime but in most cases not available to the Foundation until sometime in the future. Types of planned gifts include:
Bequest by Will
An outright bequest to the Foundation is the simplest means for providing for your community.
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies can be used to create a fund, or the Foundation can be named as the owner of a new policy for a fund to be created at a future time.
IRA or Qualified Plan
Funding a charitable bequest with an IRA or retirement plan can be a very effective way of making a gift with estate tax benefits.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust offers a gift to the Foundation. It provides a current income tax deduction for a future gift.
Charitable Lead Trust
Assets transferred to this trust are eventually returned to the donor or, more typically, to the donor’s children. Income is paid to the Foundation annually while the assets are in the trust.
What Can I Give?
A variety of assets can be used to make charitable gifts, including:
Cash gifts are an easy way to make an impact in your community and allow you to give at any time.
Securities, both publicly traded and closely held, can be used to set up a fund.
Real and Personal Property
Gifting real and personal property often allows an individual to contribute more than they may have thought possible.
IRA/Retirement Fund Assets
Retirement assets are most often used as testamentary gifts, creating charitable funds as part of an overall estate plan.
Life Insurance
Life insurance makes it possible to make meaningful gifts to the community and to create a fund.
How Do I Decide?
You have several options when it comes to your charitable giving. Our staff will work closely with you and your professional advisors to identify a gift that meets your needs.
Charitable Giving Scenarios
Make a quick and easy gift
Make a gift with other existing sources
Defer a gift until after your lifetime
Make a gift while minimizing the impact on taxes and capital gains
Minimize the two-fold taxation on IRA or other employee benefit plans
Receive income today while creating a permanent philanthropic legacy for the future
Contribute with cash or check
Example: Donate a life insurance policy you no longer need
Bequeath cash, property, or a portion of your estate
Contribute long-term appreciated stock or other securities
Designate a fund at the Foundation as one of your beneficiaries
Create a charitable remainder trust that pays income to you during your lifetime for a designated time period
Income tax deduction and immediate community benefit
Current and possible future income tax deductions
An estate tax deduction
A charitable deduction that may reduce capital gains tax
May reduce tax liability on assets left to heirs
At maturity, assets benefit the fund you establish to meet the community needs important to you
For a document containing sample estate planning language: Click here
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The Legacy Society (Footprint Fellows) recognizes and honors those individuals who have made a place for the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation in their estate plans through a bequest, charitable remainder trust, gift of life insurance or other type of charitable planned gifts.
Our Community Foundation's endowment - its "savings account" for future generations of Coastal Georgians that will always be there to address critical issues and needs as they arise - is ultimately built on the dreams and desires of Coastal Georgians as stated in their wills and estate plans.
Working with you, your attorney or tax advisor, we can suggest bequests, trust instruments, gifts of life insurance, IRA distributions, and other ways to provide a legacy of charity while realizing substantial tax savings.
{tab=Legacy Society Members}
Anne and Morton Boyd
Beth S. and George M. Dupuy
Martha Brumley Ellis
Cheri and Vance Leavy
Jeanne Kaufmann Manning
Georgia Ann and Jack Markley
Frances and Dennie McCrary
Susan and Don Myers
Ben T. Slade, III
Gwendolyn Stevens
Lillian S. White
Help us build the community's endowed fund through your estate plans. You can also endow funds for your favorite local charity and place them under the stewardship of the Community Foundation. (It's easy and can be done by adding a single paragraph to your will). Please call us at (912) 268-4442 for a confidential discussion.