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5 Key Differences: Community Foundation Fund vs. Commercial Gift Fund

What’s the difference between opening a community foundation fund versus a commercial gift fund?

The simple answer is donor-advised funds at community foundations, like the Coastal Georgia Foundation, provide philanthropists with opportunities to strengthen your community and maximize the impact of your charitable giving in ways that commercial gift funds at firms cannot.

Rich's Consumer Brands Fund and Davis Love Foundation make gifts

The Rich's Consumer Brands Charitable Fund of the Coastal Georgia Foundation, in joint effort with the Davis Love Foundation, made significant donations to support the efforts of five organizations: Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Georgia, Coastal Coalition for Children, Inc., Foster Love Ministries, Inc., Hope 1312 Collective and Marshes of Glynn Libraries.

Effort to revitalize Brunswick takes next steps forward

  An effort to revitalize Brunswick took substantial steps forward with a community meeting Sept. 24 and the formation of a new nonprofit focused on raising private capital to support bringing residents and businesses downtown.

      “We believe this will be a big day for Brunswick and the hopes and dreams everyone has to bring fresh vitality to downtown,” said Paul White, president and CEO of the Coastal Georgia Foundation.

Bringing It Home: A Panel Discussion on Downtown Brunswick, Sept. 25

In the final event of the College of Coastal Georgia Foundation's 2019 Distinguished Speakers Series event, co-hosted by the Coastal Georgia Foundation, a panel of local leaders and influencers discusses the momentum around the revitalization of downtown Brunswick, Georgia. Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 5:30pm.


Bert Roughton (Moderator), former senior managing editor, Atlanta Journal-Constitution;

Jeff Clark, outreach director, Safe Harbor's Street Beat;

Tres Hamilton, CEO, Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority;

Mathew Hill, executive director, Downtown Development Authority;

Michael Kaufman, managing member, Kaufman Development Group;

Josh Rogers, president and CEO of NewTown Macon; 

Maggie Wilkes, owner, Maggie Mae’s restaurant.

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Price/Blackburn Fund featured in Golden Isles Magazine

Read the latest Golden Isles Magazine feature on the Price/Blackburn Fund of the Coastal Georgia Foundation here

Emergency Needs Fund ready and waiting

We were spared by Hurricane Dorian, but it will not be the last time a hurricane disrupts our lives and damages our precious coastal assets. The Community Emergency Needs Fund of the Coastal Georgia Foundation is a local financial resource for when disasters happen. 

Stakeholders fund residential market study

The Coastal Georgia Foundation has commissioned a thorough and comprehensive assessment of residential market potential in downtown Brunswick. The study has been funded by seven stakeholders who donated a total of $30,000 to the effort. Read The Brunswick News July 23 editorial on the issue

“We learned about this type of data-driven housing study on our May 30 trip to Macon,” says Paul White, President & CEO of the Coastal Georgia Foundation. “There, the housing study said downtown Macon could absorb ‘200 residential units per year.’ This number became a shared goal for developers, entrepreneurs, lenders and other investors in downtown Macon. We’ve been hearing from our local stakeholders that market data for Brunswick could similarly inform a residential strategy for a vibrant and diverse downtown.”

2019 Correll Scholars awarded

The Correll Scholars program at the Coastal Georgia Foundation recently recognized its 2019-2020 recipients. They are: Billy Anderson, Damaria Gurley, Sabrina Luckey, Nashiya Maxwell, Destany Smith and Jada Stuckey.