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Coastal Georgia Partners in Philanthropy

Coastal Georgia Partners in Philanthropy (CGaPIP) brings together grantmakers who care about and invest in the communities along Georgia’s Coast and those with strong economic linkages to those communities. Broadly speaking, the footprint includes the counties of Camden, Glynn and McIntosh, along with Brantley, Charlton, Wayne and Appling.

The mission of CGaPIP is to support and promote effective philanthropy, through education, best practices and strong partnerships, with the goal of improving quality of life and economic well-being across the region. Using the groups’ collective grantmaking interests, skills and leverage, the Partners seek to:

  • build capacity within and encourage collaboration among the non-profit service agency sector;
  • educate funders and the broader community about specific issues of concern and/or opportunity (e.g., at-risk youth, aging services,
  • workforce development, history and heritage tourism, economic development, natural resource conservation, child welfare, etc.);
  • encourage synergies from which emerge voluntary, collaborative funding partnerships; and
  • promote events and the sharing of successes and challenges which strengthen and enhance the capabilities of individual grant makers and foundations; and
  • stimulate philanthropy across the region.

Supported by the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation, CGaPIP is governed by an executive council representing the key grantmaking sectors in the region:

  • family foundations
  • donor-advised fundholders of community foundations
  • business foundations
  • independent, faith-based or other sector-specific foundations
  • organized corporate or community giving programs

The executive council meets quarterly to consider issues for focus and educational needs and to establish program agendas. Partners in Philanthropy programs are conducted semi-annually, and all interested partners are invited. Programs showcase issues, innovations and ideas for philanthropy and community improvement. These are “no solicitation” events. The executive council provides follow-on leadership to initiatives which have resonance for the Partners and are expected to provide tangible results for the communities.
If you would like to participate with Coastal Georgia Partners in Philanthropy please email us:

A. D. “Pete” Correll, Chairman, The Correll Family Foundation
Chair of the Executive Council

Jeanne Manning, The Kaufmann Fund
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Vice-Chair of the Executive Council

Bill Jones III, Chairman, The Broadfield Foundation
Chair-Emeritus, Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation

Martin J. Miller, Miller Family Fund
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation

Jeff Barker, President
St. Marys United Methodist Church Foundation

David Weitnauer, President
The R. Howard Dobbs Foundation

Paul White, President & CEO
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Council Liaison