Giving Options

We are happy to help you find the best way to meet your clients' charitable and financial goals while maximizing tax benefits.

What to Give:  Cash, securities, life insurance, retirement plans are only some of the assets clients can use to start a fund or make a donation.

How to Give:  Outright gifts, bequests (see Footprint Fellows in the donor section), charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trust are all possible vehicles for making a gift to the community foundation.

Where to Give:  Donor-advised funds, field of interest funds, agency or named funds, Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation makes it simple for you and your clients to create or contribute to a fund that matches their vision.

Footprint Fellows:  If you have clients who plan to leave a gift to Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation through their will or estate plan, we invite them to join our "Footprint Fellows".

To explore ways that we can help you serve your clients, contact Lee Owen, Executive Director at 912 268-4442 or