Footprint Fellowes (Legacy)

"The mass of men worry themselves into nameless graves while here and there a great unselfish soul forgets himself into immortality."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -


The Footprint Fellows Touch the Future

The Legacy Society (Footprint Fellows) recognizes and honors those individuals who have made a place for the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation in their estate plans through a bequest, charitable remainder trust, gift of life insurance or other type of charitable planned gifts.

Our community foundation's endowment - its "savings account" for future generations of coastal Georgians that will always be there to address critical issues and needs as they arise - is ultimately built on the dreams and desires of coastal Georgians as stated in their wills and estate plans.

Working with you, your attorney or tax advisor, we can suggest bequests, trust instruments, gifts of life insurance, IRA distributions, and other ways to provide a legacy of charity while realizing substantial tax savings.


 Footprint Fellows

Morton and Anne Boyd

Martha Brumley Ellis

Mr. & Mrs. C. Vance Leavy

Jeanne Kaufmann

Jack and Georgia Ann Markley

Dennie and Frances McCrary

Don and Susan Myers

Ben Slade

Gwendolyn Stevens

Lillian S. White


Help us build our community's endowed fund by providing for us in your estate plans.  It's easy and can be done by adding a single paragraph to your will (see box below).  You can also endow funds for your favorite local charity and place them under the stewardship of the community foundation.  Please call on us (912) 268-4442 for a confidential discussion.  Let us add you as a Footprint Fellow!

Suggested Bequest Language

"I devise to the Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation, a Georgia nonprofit corporation, _____________________(describe assets to be left - for example, "One Thousand Dollars" or the proceeds from the sale of ...) to be used in all furtherance of the charitable purposes of the community foundation as defined in and subject to the provisions of its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws."